Moderate wine

Moderate wineModerate wine
  1. Do moderate wine drinkers live longer ?


  2. The study provides ," scientifically rigorous evidence " that moderate wine consumption helps keep the heart healthy by preventing low-grade inflammation in women , the Spanish team concluded .


  3. This wine is brewed from the grapes from Australian Hunter Valley , with moderate wine color , rich blackberry flavor and nice liquor structure , giving you wonderful taste and long aftertaste .


  4. A number of population studies have revealed that moderate drinkers of red wine have less heart disease than non-drinkers .


  5. Moderate consumption of red wine or aspirin may delay the onset of age-related deafness and reduce hearing loss caused by loud noise and some antibiotics .


  6. The principal aspects of this diet include proportionally high consumption of olive oil , legumes , unrefined cereals , fruits , and vegetables , moderate to high consumption of fish , moderate consumption of dairy products ( mostly as cheese and yogurt ) , moderate wine consumption , and low consumption of non-fish meat products .
